Thursday, February 5, 2009

If You Are a Dreamer, Come In...

Nothing quite as delicious, as delectable, as sensuous as the very first blank page of a new project - even if most of the blank pages are on the computer screen these days. Oh, don't get me wrong, I like the computer; as a writer with relatively wretched penmanship I wouldn't have a living without it, but it just doesn't have that same crispy "new page" smell. Still, it has saved me from a great deal of papercuts...


Welcome everyone to Beyond the Far Horizon, my pursuit of all things fantasy. I am a fantasy author myself - aspiring, hopefully-soon-to-be fantasy author, rather - and I thought that since I only spend about half the time with my mind in the real world, I might as well do something productive with the other half. As mentioned, I am a fantasy author a little more than half way through my first novel, "The Perfect Blade." It is intended to be the first book of a quartet, but who can say? Let any piece of writing grow long enough and it gets a mind of its own...

At any rate, I will be using this blog as a sounding board for places, characters, and ideas in my worldscape and I will probably devote a good-sized chunk of time and blogspace to that. However, they say no man is an island (no woman either for that matter), and I don't want this to be something just about me. Instead, I want to include the amazing variety of artists, authors, muscians, and all the rest of the colorful crew who have influenced me. With that in mind, I want to do regular shoutouts to the all the talented people out there who have helped expand the world of fantasy.

So, that's the plan. I'll admit now I've had a somewhat poor track record with things like diaries and e-journals thus far, since I'm easily distracted and tend to drift off to become obsessesed with something else, but I'm really going to try. As my father says, if you always do your best, you'll never have anything to be ashamed about. No one can ask more of you than your best - including yourself. So here goes. If I do get distracted and drop off the face of the earth, at least I'll try to make it a fun ride.

-Blue Nephelim out

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